Podjetje DŽEBO-Company d.o.o. je bilo ustanovljeno leta 2012 kot družba z omejeno odgovornostjo za notranjo in zunanjo trgovino in storitve s sedežem v Tešnju.
Zašto odabrati nas?
Varnost pri delu
Simple actions make a difference. It starts and ends with each employee striving to work safer every single day so they can return home safe at night.
Etično poslovanje
Integrity is one of Hank’s core values – we are committed to acting beyond reproach in all matters and to doing what is legal, moral, and ethical.
Prepoznatljiv kvalitet
We has a reputation for delivering quality products and services. That’s because our employees work together to deliver a quality product the first time.
Zdravo za zajednicu
Hank is committed to conducting business in an environmentally responsible way. By producing recycled materials and creating innovative solutions.
Dolgoletne izkušnje
We believe that continual education and on-site training is extremely important for all of our staff and continually seek to be the best in the industry.